The first day of the huge Australia Day weekend’s Festival of Sail on Geelong’s waterfront and Corio Bay has got off to a great start with glorious sunshine. Some of the highlights included a classic car show on the Customs House lawn which brought together members of the Western District Historic Club and their beautiful vehicles. The Notorious Caravel which is a replica of 15th century Portugese ship which was built to amazing detail using over 300 tons special reclaimed timbers and taking nearly 10 years to build. A very special citizenship ceremony took place on the main stage of Steampacket Place where council members including the Geelong Mayor and representatives of the Wathaurong community who are original custodians of our region.
The party continued well into the evening with some fantastic entertainment on all the waterfront stages. Once dusk arrived the incredible Bay FM Skyshow lit up the night sky in a spectacular wash of colour delighting thousands who had been picnicing on the lawns for hours. The action then moved to the Royal Geelong Yacht Club where legendary Ol 55 members Wilbur Wilde and Frankie J Holden pulled out a whole list of classic 50 and 60’s rock n roll hits turning the RGYC lawns into a giant party. Sailing starts again in the morning, and there are sure to be a few sore heads at work, but rest assured plenty will be back Friday, Saturday and Sunday for more fun on Geelong’s Waterfront as part of the 2012 Festival of Sails.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday the party continued on the waterfront with the Roulettes taking to the skys over Corio Bay and ledgendary AC/DC tribute band “Thunderstruck” hitting the stage at the RGYC. The kids were not left out either as the popular play school host Justine Clarke performed some of her hits to junior fans on Steampacket Gardens.